Thursday 17 July 2014

"The winds ensemble..."

Sometimes when I walk with the sun against my back with my shadow cast out in front of me, my winter coat and scarf adding to its shape. I catch myself falling into a trance as I am mesmerised by the way the shadow moves. The wind enters in between the fibres and lifts the cloth into a dance only the wind knows. I wish I could capture that dance.
Tonight my partner got home, Mister Rob, and he put his work shirts onto wash. The cycle finished and he promptly hung them up to dry. One shirt he decides to wear the following day and he hangs it outside in the English summer.
Stood by my back door I notice something going on in the corner of my eye. It's his shirt. It's doing that dance with the wind. As it dances with the wind its true fabric movement is restricted by the hanger that runs along its shoulders. It dances and I stand still mesmerised yet again. Although no shadow I can see the edge, that line, where the fabric is moved and bent by its dance partner.
I stop the trance and decided to film it. As the shirt dances along the washing line to its position in the chosen view.
Watch the wind and the shirt dance...
The wind adds to the way this shirt moves as it would when you wear yours and go about your day. Just like in my shadow, that will always be attached to me, the winds picks up the fabric and moves the garment in a dramatic dance depending on its mood.
We can't see the wind blow but we can see the winds ensemble. What it does when it joins its unexpected partner in that dance.
The dance got a little rough and Mister Rob had to pick his shirt up off the ground. All danced out yet the wind still blows egging it on.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Julian Garner - When does inspiration strike?

"The Day" I decided that Julian Garner needed to be executed and all those ideas, sketches and designs bought to life.
From thought, to paper, to stitch...then that "doubt" finished pieces of my imagination staring me in the face there was one thing that scared me.
Would I ever run out of ideas?
Obviously I do not know but when you branch off on your own to work on your own business that initial thought, the IDEA, needs to be there. 
I keep reminding myself that I need to create something commercial for people to buy into. Keeping in the brands identity and genre so to speak. I need the product to be professional and handmade well enough for the client to get there monies worth, but most of all... unique as you are.
All the above I have at hand and just need to make sure that I don't lose sight of it. What I set out to do.
Now where does that idea come from, when does inspiration strike?
Last night, at 02:16 whilst sat on the sofa I was hit by a wave of inspiration with a dash of get up and go. This meant a trip to my studio to sketch, research and do. tiny studio!
 In a world where so many people are designing and pulling inspiration from the same pool, the world we live in, its difficult to not end up with something of similarity to another.
This is where that stamp of individuality, well made product and most importantly part of the puzzle...your CLIENT...comes in.
Just a little tip...your CLIENT...they are an ocean of inspiration and ideas. There have being so many times when I have met a client and talked to them about their wants and needs.
The outfit, the occasion, the place, suddenly my mind will be bubbling with inspiration and in each bubble ideas...lots of ideas.
So when does inspiration strike? The answer is I don't know but when it hits you jot it down, draw it, file it, work with it and more will come.
I was scared and I am sure that question will always haunt me however the mind is a beautiful thing. Inspiration is everywhere and those ideas will come.  
My mind is as unique as I am.