Sunday 17 February 2013


Lately I have really become aware at how an ensemble contributes to the ambiance and atmosphere of where you are.
Many a night whilst on my way home I will be struck by the gorgeous dresses floating above platform 2, the sound of classic jazz greeting guests and the shining glassware reflecting in the windows of the Orient Express.
I often see the staff greeting customers with wide smiles and white gloves guiding the odd Jimmy Choo aboard the choo choo. I have always wanted to picture them then the other day I got the chance. Interrupting their usual process of greeting the guests celebrating or just enjoying the luxuries of life I shot the very dapper and smart Matt (Steward) and Andrew (Chief Steward).
Welcome aboard ensem-BLAH Gents...
Imagine the glamour aboard the Orient Express if from the beginning you are met with such tailored uniforms and dapper staff.
If you get the chance then enjoy the jazz tracks.

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