Tuesday 25 December 2012

"Charles Lu"

Having finished work and a mad dash to get some last minute Christmas shopping done and some Tom Ford "Cherry Rush" lipstick for a dear friend I came upon Charles Lu.

The second I saw him I dived through the line of shoppers, dawdling whilst in awe of the stunning Harrods beauty halls, and told him I had to feature his ensem-BLAH on my blog.

He was so willing and instantly struck up his best pose. Ladies and Gents I give you Charles Lu...


Dressing in black and white but with enough accents and features to not blend into dark London. A jacket teamed with the most exquisite fur lapel, designed and tailor made by a company in Canada. Sitting under his jacket, proud, below the collar of his crisp white Alexander Boyd shirt was the best part of his look. A vintage brooch. A neatly sewn bow made of mat ribbon with a decadent black stone and golden rocco frame.
I was so excited to post his ensem-BLAH. His accessories I would describe as "fashion forward" as I truly believe that the clutch will soon be the mans next big thing. Prada of course and I believe every man should invest in a bit of "clutch" action. Keeping his hands warm in the winter weather here in London were a pair of finger gloves just cusping a part of his hand found in Italy.

I learnt that Charles Lu is a fashion designer. Daphne Guiness get in contact with this man he could be of help to your ever inspiring looks pulled from your fantastic wardrobe.

His look is glamour galore via the dark city streets of decadence. London is very much black and white and everyone seems to be able to pull it off. The key to standing out from the crowd is simple if you think outside the monchrome box. Think vintage brooch or even an exageratted fur lapel.
Charles Lu, thank you for being so fabulous.

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