Tuesday 25 December 2012

"Hungover ensem-BLAH"

Whilst sipping from my new hand made flute filled to the brim with Prosecco it came to my mind that I had an idea about a post called, "Hung over Outfit".
Having been out with my friend the other night in London after having a lovely evening amongst her family and friends we partied in Soho till the early hours of three oh my gawd a clock, to wish her well on her new venture to Dubai. A possible job in Dior or Gucci...good luck my dear.
We awoke the next morning to breakfast and fresh coffee. Slightly dehydrated and hung over it came to me. Having seen what she wore it occurred to me, is there a possibility that subconsciously we choose an ensemble to see us through the day of a stinking hang over? Do we have particular outfit comfortable enough to face the world when we feel like death?
This is Miss Sophia Dubois’ choice…
A pair of jeans teamed with an oversized skull print Topshop jumper, a pair of Gucci sunglasses and red lippy, preferably Tom Ford, “Cherry Rush”, she was ready to face her hectic day of Bridesmaid dresses, packing for Dubai, dropping me off at the station and walking her adorable dogs Heidi and Bella all in a pair of Converse trainers.
The next time you are hung over and finding the world a place that is not forgiving on self inflected stupidity, choose wisely. A pair of sunnies to hide the glare and the fear of been recognised by strangers who cheered you onto the bar top, a comfortable top to hide the food baby after a late brunch and although you feel like death warmed up some lippy to make sure those air kisses are pretty!

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