Sunday 2 December 2012

"The Museum of Curiosity"

Whilst shopping in London and walking the backstreets and alleys of Soho to avoid the disturbing masses, my partner and I came across "The Museum of Curiosity"

The second I saw the front window exhibit I had to go in. Not sure if I was welcome or allowed due to the dimly lit front gallery I couldn't resist and walked in. They were open. The welcome was warm and friendly thanks to a lovely lady I will soon talk about named Holly.

The space is lit to enhance the exhibits scattered around the rooms. There is death around you, there was a distinct smell which I later learnt was Agent Provocateur worn by a browsing member of the disturbing masses and there is inspiration, tonnes of it. The walls bleed with it and the corners embrace it. Eager to start snapping away and loading my pics onto Instagram you learn that you can. I would recommend not to use a flash as you just destroy any form of haunting lighting and ambiance.

When you go and I recommend you do be aware to be disturbed and moved. There are exhibits that make you want to see what goes on in the minds of the artists. For me and I quote "a Petri dish of inspiration." There are some pieces that pulled certain strings but that's what good art does.

Below are just some of the exhibits and I beg you not to just look at mine but go and see for yourself. The pieces deserve to be viewed and your mind deserves the food for thought. To find emotion in hidden places and to be stirred by someone else's work is worth the trip to the Museum of Curiosity.

"Artefact Triptych"

"And Another Thing"
"Spring Cleaning"
"Still Smiling" 
"Holly Foskett-Barnes"
Earlier I mentioned the warm welcome that was presented to us when entering "The Museum of Curiosity". This lovely lady is Holly Foskett-Barnes. She sat in a red arm chair low to the dark floor boards typing away. The minute I noticed her ensem-BLAH I knew it would tie in nicely with this post. She was the perfect girl that someone would class as an English rose.
Her dress was from the Blue Cross charity shop and her necklace was from India. Her ensem-BLAH really suited her environment. The art was resourceful and so is she for finding her gorgeous dress in the array of charity shops our high street has to offer. The dark red really suited her complexion and her hair colour. Sometimes letting the colour do the talking makes you stand out. The necklace is a good choice sitting under the collar discreetly offering just a touch of glamour.  
She is currently interning at "The Museum of Curiosity" and is an artist in her spare time. Holly if you ever do an exhibition I would love to see it.
To The Museum of Curiosity thank you for inspiring and to the artists keep puling our emotions.
To donate money to the Blue Cross charity, follow the below link:

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