Tuesday 25 December 2012

"Gloves Galore"

Tonight I opened my net book and was astounded by how much dust it had collected over the past few days. Either I need to do some housework or my life is cramped to the brim with stuff to do.

Its been a while since my last blog post and I have to say I started getting withdrawal symptoms. I started stressing to my friends about the on going situation and making up lame excuses as to why I haven’t posted anything. I have a plan…

Working in London and living in Kent, well that’s a whole hour to kill on the train! So finally the net book my partner bought me for the purpose of writing will finally come to use.

Right where to begin…

So a couple of weeks ago I became more aware that I hadn’t seen a glove left by its owner, whilst the other sits in their right pocket comfortably embracing their ensem-BLAH until it realises it’s fate is sealed too. So I started looking harder for gloves and really taking my walks to and fro my destinations with an open eye so I could start finding gloves to post, blah, blah, blah…

Weeks have passed by and then out of no where a day sprung upon me where on the way back from work I found a glove, my first leather (possibly faux leather, don’t want to touch them)glove. This was found on Eccleston Street on my way to Victoria. In a hurry to catch my train my commitment, well “commitment”, for my blog I snapped a quick picture.

I boarded my train in a hurry and there was a couple of seats left and as I turned to place my bag down, low and behold there was a pair on the chair. Afraid if I would be sitting in someone’s place I asked the gentleman across the aisle if anyone was sitting there. He looked at me as if I were mad. Excuse me sir but there were a pair of gloves on the chair. Not wanting to look like that mad man he already took me for I discreetly took a picture.
To my surprise they were not a pair but two different gloves. How lovely that although they weren’t from the same cloth they had each other…Oh my god I am actually mad.

So I travelled with them the whole way home to Kent and left them on the right hand side of me where I found them. I walked up the hill from the station and crossed the road and sure enough there was a second pair. This time burgundy and on Sandling Road. Oh boy a total of five gloves after days of not seeing any. I started to feel confident that if all else fails with my other blog posts at least I would have the gloves. So I took a quick picture…

After telling my friends about my dire straits of not finding any gloves for days, my phone went the next morning. A lovely lady I know, Miss Alicia Hill aka “Agent Grammatica” sent me the below…

She cheekily snapped this glove and felt strange in case people saw her. It really does put a smile on your face as you think you are losing the plot taking a picture of a glove. This scenario began to inspire me and Miss Hill I thank you for the inspiration. Keep reading and I’ll tell you soon.

So a couple of days past and the weekend arrived with my partner and I frantically trying to find time to see each other but been the social butterflies that we are it was off to Tenterden to stay the night with our friends and join in the festivities at my partners Christmas Work Party.

Tenterden is a beautiful town and if you ever get to go, enjoy a walk first thing in the morning, with a coffee and a dear friend walking besides you. Off on our walk we went. Off to the post office first for my friend to post her many a talents to her ever growing customer base and then for a spot of window shopping along the many gorgeous boutique shops. As we walked to the back of the post office, look what we found…

A Tenterden glove! I couldn’t believe how many gloves I was finding and in such a short space of time. That afternoon we had a Christmas Luncheon at my partners Uncle’s beach house in Greatstone.

What a day it was and a good effort from all. Before we left for home a stroll on the beach was mentioned and dying to get out of a warm house and into the fresh sea air, we piled into our coats and hats, headed out, over the dunes and down to the sea. It was beautiful. In the distance I could see a stick fence and along each stick was a splash of colour at the top. At first I thought to myself how great it would be if the whole fence was gloves and someone had been collecting them over a period of time. Don’t be silly I thought…

I noticed that my partners favourite cousin was strolling with her daughter near the fence and thought why not make the journey across the heavy sand and go and see what they were looking at. As I drew closer and my eyes adjusted I let out a gasp…

To my amazement look what I found…

Gloves were the splashes of colour and they did sit on the stick fence. They may well still be there or are they there for a reason? I was so happy it made my night. God I am so easily entertained. So the weekend came and went and I started the week off on Monday finding this one…

Possibly the saddest looking glove ever, drenched in water and cold.

So earlier I spoke about how I was inspired by Miss Alicia Hill aka “Agent Gramatica“. I thought to myself that winter would pass and the layers we wear would become lighter. The gloves would be stuffed away, waiting their fates of been left on the street by there owners.

So why not spread the love to everyone. My friend sent me a picture of the glove so if you would like to I have set up an email address where people around the world can share the gloves they find and take pictures of.

Email: ensemblahgloves@gmail.com

Just send the picture of the glove you found.

Your lovely name.

Where you found it, country, city, town or street?

If you like, a little about yourself or it’s ensem-BLAH.

Thank you.
My friend that I took a walk with in Tenterden, Mrs Sam Bourner, visit her on line store front by clicking on the below link:


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