Sunday, 4 November 2012

"...stretch out in vain hope..."

The place I work at on a Saturday, Mu Mu, is dear to me. There are many things I remember that I hold close to my heart. One thing I remember is this chandelier and how it once contributed to the  ensem-BLAH. I remember the night before we opened the nightclub leaving at four o'clock in the morning after starting at eight a.m. the previous day only to return that morning after little sleep, and just pure caffeine running through my body. She hung in the booth proudly. Her new arms shining and her crystals sparkling adding to her charm. The nightclub opened and it was a success, well until we knocked a hole through the neighbouring building which then began the success story.
The customers came and went and with them and their drunken antics her crystals. Taking her charm with them stowed away in their clutches. As we learn about how people treat things we adapt them. She was removed and then last night whilst looking for tea light candles, I stumbled across her.
Tucked away in a corner by the water tank, her arms stretch out in the vain hope that they will one day shine like they used to.
Although it's sad that we live in a world where everything is so expendable she has created another form of beauty. The dust gathered on her creates a feeling that she comes from a haunted forgotten room. The inspiration in her is still there. She still offers that beauty and hopefully one day she will shine like she used to.

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